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Let's talk Skin

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

A few days ago, I posted the picture above on social media, and I got a few DM's complimenting my skin and asking what's my skin secret. Now I wouldn't say my skin is perfect, there's definitely room for improvement, but I do try my best to maintain a healthy look.

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My life is hectic af so, between juggling work, errands, and everything else, I try to do the healthy stuff too. I have good and bad skin days, some days I wonder whose's the person looking back at me in the mirror. But, then I slap on a face mask, apply skincare, do some quick jade rolling and voila! good as new! My face skincare is way more extensive than my body care so we will leave that for another day. Today we will deal with body care.

Water! Water! Water!

I can't stress this enough; drink as much as you can. Yes, you will visit the washroom a lot, but hey...think of it as a good leg workout. When my co-workers can't find me, they know where I am....peeing! Water hydrates the skin, making it supple and glowing, and flushes out toxins.

Tip: sip instead of gulp. This helps the body absorb the water and less washroom trips.


Yes, your body needs exfoliating too. Exfoliation removes dirt and dead skin cells leaving your skin smooth and soft. There are many different body scrubs available on the market, but I make my own (see post here). I exfoliate my body once a week, from my neck to my toes, minus the play areas down below 😉

Hair Removal

Removing the hair allows the skin to better absorb products and makes it soft and smooth. There are many methods of hair removal, that are effective and easy to do. There's shaving, waxing, lasering, it all depends on your personal preference and budget. I have switched to lasering, I invested in an IPL laser device.

Note: I always exfoliated before I shaved. Exfoliating removes dirt and dead skin cells so you get a closer, smoother shave.


Do not skip this step! Apply a body cream, lotion, or oil just after showering. Pat dry skin and apply your moisturizer while your skin is still damp, this helps the skin retain moisture and stay hydrated.

Tip: I apply a lotion that contains sunscreen during the summer months.

Dry Body Brushing

This deserves a whole post for itself, I will be doing one soon. But, if you don't know what drying brushing is, it's one of the best things you do for your skin. It increases blood flow, detoxifies, removes dead skin, and gives you healthy, glowing skin. It is done before you shower with a wooden brush that has stiff, natural bristles, in an upward motion using short, gentle strokes.

Vitamins/ Supplements

You should incorporate these into your diet for extra benefits. They come in multiple forms such as tabs, liquids, and powders and can provide the body with additional nutrients that you didn't get from food consumed.


The right amount of sunlight can provide much needed Vitamin D for healthy, glowing skin.

Note: Excessive sun exposure can be damaging to the skin so wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your face.

Clean Clothing

Do I need to say this? Well, yea, wearing sweaty, dirty clothes are unhealthy for your skin. Dirty clothes transfer dirt, dead skin cells, dust mites, etc onto your skin that can cause clogged pores, rashes, etc. This causes itching, making you scratch your skin, leaving microscopic tears that leave scars as they heal. These scars appear as hyper-pigmentation on the skin.

These are my tips for healthy skin, what are some of yours? Please share! xoxo

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This article is based on my personal experience. What works for me might not work for you.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases.


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